Friday, 8 July 2011

Intern Tip #2 - Pack that mac

A newly learnt tip for you today...if your going on an outdoor shoot in the UK (no matter what month it is) pack a rain mac.

 These sexy men from the Burberry A/W 11/12 show know the importance of the plastic mac
image from

I'm off to help out on a outdoor fashion shoot tomorrow and whilst I was gathering all my things together in prep for the morning I overhead the weather forecast on TV. Sunny with scattered showers. Now anywhere else in the world that would mean exactly that: sunshine with a spot of rain, but in good old blighty what it really means is that it will most definitely piss down tomorrow.  While I never go anywhere without my trusty umbrella it's not exactly practical to go to a shoot and try to help out whilst holding an umbrella in one hand, and so I was faced with a dilemma. I need to be dry but have my hands free. Then I remembered the trusty pac-a-mac.

I haven't had a pac-a-mac since my primary school days and so I've ended up having to borrow my brother's Duffer of St George one, which is masses too big. So my tip to you all today is if you ever have to go on an outdoor UK shoot, even if it's blisteringly sunny outside, bring a pac-a-mac. Just in case...

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